Terms and condition



These Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") are a legally binding agreement between the User & Helper ("User & Helper" or "you") of the Hireforcare Private Limited Services and Applicable Hireforcare Private Limited Company ("we" or "us") as described herein.

It would be ideal if you ensure you completely comprehend the substance of this Agreement. On the off chance that you have any questions about any of your rights and commitments coming about because of your acknowledgment of this Agreement, kindly counsel us or get legal help.


This Agreement incorporates and gives reference to the Terms of Use, accordingly this Agreement may be altered or modified whenever it is required by Hireforcare Private Limited available at {www.hireforcare.com}







  1. Definition. The "Services" consist of Caregivers like Helpers/Nanny/Cooks/Caretaker, Verification, Medical Insurance…


  1. Changes. We maintain whatever authority is needed to change the terms or details of any Services at our discretion, with or without earlier composed notice to the User & Helpers, by substitution of the content of this Agreement or description of paid membership plan of the [www.hireforcare.com] or by composed notice to you. Any modifications in the same will be reflected in the [www.hireforcare.com] except if generally expressed in the notice of progress. In case that any revision is inadmissible to you, then you may further terminate the services with Hireforcare Private Limited. Your further continuation and utilization of the Services post modification of the agreement will be deemed to be acceptance of the amended agreement.



  1. Additional Services. Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, any new features addition or deletion of the currently offered Services, including the launch of new Hireforcare Private Limited services, shall be subject to this Agreement.



  1. Right to Use Services. Hireforcare Private Limited, therefore, gives you the authorization to utilize the Services and the [www.hireforcare.com] exclusively as referenced in this Agreement and in the way put forward on the [www.hireforcare.com]. In the event that if there is any ambiguity or conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the [www.hireforcare.com], the terms of this Agreement will prevail. Any utilization of the Services other than as put forward in this Agreement or infringing upon any term of this Agreement will result in suspension or of your utilization benefits in our sole discretion.




  • You acknowledge and recognize that www.hireforcare.com is solely a platform that publishes available Helper profiles. We don't suggest any Helper personally, you will be responsible for selecting and evaluating the expertise and qualifications of Helpers whose profiles are posted on www.hireforcare.com.
  • Though we make every effort to check basic information about the Helpers and prepare them to provide you with the best service possible. We cannot guarantee or affirm the nature of the employees' talents and expertise, the truth or authenticity of the knowledge supplied by Helpers, or Helpers' abilities to execute the duties.
  • There are risks, including but not limited to the risk of physical harm, of dealing with new helpers, acting under false pretenses. You assume all risks associated with dealing with Helpers with whom you come in contact through Hireforcare.com. You are bound to use caution when connecting with Helpers through Hireforcare.com notwithstanding the efforts and endeavors that are undertaken by us to protect your interest.
  • You accept that any disagreements you have with an helper employed by Hireforcare.com will be settled entirely between you and the Helper, with no recourse to www.hireforcare.com, unless it demands the necessary terms & conditions to be addressed that are mentioned in www.hireforcare.com. We shall not be responsible for, party to or liable to any retrenchment, lay-off or any other action taken by user/customer against the Helper or any action taken by Helper against you. You shall be at liberty to take any legal action against the employee, without any recourse to Hireforcare Private Limited Company.
  • In no event shall www.hireforcare.com , its owners or any of their officers, directors, employees, agents or affiliates be liable for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or other damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of (i) the use of or inability to use any service; (ii) the provision of or failure to provide services (iii) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data;; whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise.
  • Furthermore, we will not be held liable for the website's non-availability during scheduled maintenance operations or any unplanned loss of access to the website that might arise due to technological issues or other factors outside our control.
  • You hereby agree to indemnify and hold us, our owners, directors and employees, harmless from any loss suffered by you as a result of a breach of the terms and conditions of use of Hireforcare.com services by you and from any claim brought by third parties alleging that the data submitted by you on the Website has infringed any applicable laws or regulation or any rights of third-party. You shall pay all costs, damages, awards, fees (including legal fees) and judgments awarded against us arising from such claims, and shall provide us with notice of such claims, full authority to defend, compromise or settle such claims and reasonable assistance necessary to defend such claims, at your sole expense.





  1. Suspension or Termination of Services. Notwithstanding anything expressed or inferred in actuality in this Agreement, we may whenever, without discrediting from our different rights under this Agreement, the relevant law or something else, suspend or end any or the majority of the Services, as of endless supply of a composed notice. Such suspension or end may likewise apply, to specific territorial limits, lines of business, and generally or to a particular client or a gathering of User & Helpers. Regarding User & Helpers of paid Services, at whatever point sensibly conceivable, such User & Helpers might be offered up to three (3) days after notice of suspension or end of their User & Helper record to back-up the information put away in their record before it might be expelled from our servers.



  1. Third-Party Services. We maintain whatever authority is needed to utilize outsider specialist organizations in the arrangements of all or part of the Services including, yet not restricted to, facilitating suppliers, installment handling administrations, data and correspondence administrations, investigation administrations, web publicizing stages, promoting specialist and stages. Where any of the previously mentioned Services are given by outsiders, the User & Helper might be liable to such outsider's terms and conditions. We acknowledge no duty regarding Services given by any outsider.




  1. Use of the Services. You may utilize the Services either as an enrolled or as an unregistered User & Helper. Be that as it may, you may not utilize the Services, either as an enrolled or an unregistered User & Helper in the event that you are not of legitimate age to go into an agreement in your purview or if don't have the specialist to acknowledge this Agreement. In the event that you are under the age of 18, kindly don't endeavor to enroll for the Services or send any data about yourself to us, including your name, address, phone number, or email address, Bank account details, Debit and credit card details. In the event that we discover that we have gathered individual data from anybody under age 18 without confirmation of parental assent, we will erase that data as fast as could reasonably be expected. Enrolling as a registered User & Helper will have access to more features of the [www.hireforcare.com] compared to un-registered User & Helpers.



  1. Acceptance. By utilizing the Services, you acknowledge the terms of this Agreement and you completely approve us to get, process, store, use and transmit your own information as per our Privacy Policy, which frames a vital piece of this Agreement.


  1. User/customer Discretion. Prior to the Helper being appointed, the customer must provide us with a "working description" of the sort of work the Helper will be doing as well as the pay that will be provided. The client cannot persuade/order the Helper to do tasks that are not part of her job description, nor can the client cut the decided service charge. Incase such event arise, Hireforcare.com will not replace the Helper and neither refund the paid service amount.


  1. Since helper pay expectations change with time, it can be difficult to find a substitute at the same salary as your previous Helper. If you are unable to adjust your salary budget to suit current market rates, you will not be eligible for a refund. However, we will make every effort to find a new helper at the same salary.
  2. The client agrees that the Helper will not be tortured/harassed, or emotionally or mentally abused. Often, rather than what was discussed during the service payment terms, the customer cannot increase the job activity or burden or cut the Helpers pay. If the Helper leaves for the above reason, Hireforcare.com will not replace the helper and will not refund the client's placement fees. Also, above actions are liable for legal action and wrongdoer may face consequences under the court of law.
  3. You agree that the Service provided to you is not transferable under any circumstance and shall be used only by you


  1. User & Helper Representations. By utilizing the Services, you speak to and warrant that (an) all enrollment data you submit is honest and exact; (b) you will keep up the exactness of such data; (c) you are 18 years old and have the limit and specialist to go into this Agreement; and (d) your utilization of the Services does not disregard any existing rules and regulations.


  1. Registration; Billing. To enlist as a User & Helper, you need to make a client account with the [www.hireforcare.com] by adhering to enrollment techniques and guidelines put forward in that. There is no expense to make a Hireforcare Private Limited User & Helper account. Nonetheless, so as to get to certain paid highlights of the Services, you will be required to give charging details. As an enrolled User & Helper, you consent to keep us informed of any modifications to your charging details.



  1. Login, Password and API key. You are exclusively and completely in charge of the support of the majority of your Hireforcare Private Limited   client accounts, including, yet not constrained to, your User & Helper login, secret key and API key. The API key is a type of access token given by Hireforcare Private Limited, and must be associated with one User & Helper account (the "Programming interface Key"). You concur not to share your API Key with any outsiders.


  1. User & Helper Responsibilities. You are in charge of the majority of the accompanying as for your utilization of the Services:
    1. maintaining the security of your User & Helper record and all the action that happens on your User & Helper account; 
    2. maintaining exact record data consistently, including a legitimate email address and charging data and refreshing such data as important; 
    3. obtaining access to the Services, and that entrance may include outsider expenses, (for example, Internet specialist organization or broadcast appointment charges); and 
    4. Obtaining and keeping up all gear important to get to the Services.


4a.       Prohibited Uses. You are explicitly restricted from utilizing the Services in any of the accompanying routes or for any of the accompanying purposes: 



4b.       No Illegal Purpose. You may not utilize the Services for any illicit or unapproved reason, incorporating into any way that disregards copyright or other pertinent laws. 


4c.       No Tampering. You may not utilize the Services in a way that is unfavorable to the task of the Services or the entrance or utilization of the Services by any other person. You won't transfer or transmit dangerous code. You may not utilize services directly or indirectly which will lead to hacking, erasing, expanding or modifying the Services. 


4d.       Permission Required. You may not, without our earlier composed consent and, exclusively regarding lease, resale and sublicense, aside from as might be explicitly permitted under your paid membership plan, (I) duplicate, circulate (counting by surrounding any of the Services on any site), adjust, improve, interpret, replicate, move, exchange, sublicense, lease, rent, or generally endeavor to abuse the Services or any information coming about consequently; (ii) decompile, dismantle, figure out, or generally endeavor to find the source code; (iii) make subordinate works of the Services; (iv) evacuate, darken, or change any copyright notice, trademarks, or other restrictive rights sees joined to or contained inside or got to related to or through the Your Website Here or Services; (v) alter another site in order to dishonestly suggest that it is related with the Services, Hireforcare Private Limited or some other Hireforcare Private Limited items or administrations; or (vi) make the Your Website Here or Services or any part thereof accessible to others in an administration undertaking or re-appropriating game plan or for some other business time-sharing, information handling or other outsider use. 


5. Inquiries. You concur not to advance (I) in excess of 10 requests for every 1 second from one of a kind IP address, (ii) in excess of 10 synchronous requests from 1 User & Helper, or (iii) in excess of 2 concurrent fare requests. 

6. Automatic Inquiries. Every single programmed request is disallowed.



  1. Special Access and Testing. In the event that you are welcomed or unmistakably given access to beta testing new instruments and assets, which are not made accessible to our clients comprehensively ("shut beta"), you ought not depend on, nor anticipate, the proceeds with accessibility of these new apparatuses and assets. Any such access to beta test new apparatuses and assets, assuming any, is molded upon your understanding not to uncover any data about these new devices and assets or your involvement with utilizing them to outsiders.


  1. Assignment. A User & Helper may not give, exchange, trade, pool or deal any of its rights or commitments under this Agreement or the User & Helper account, except if explicitly allowed by Hireforcare Private Limited   recorded as a hard copy. Any infringement of the previous limitations is justification for quick User & Helper account end. For changes in access under corporate memberships to the Services we may require from you a point by point clarification of changes in your conditions, alongside affirmation of business and other sensible data and significant records.



  1. De-Registration. You may erase your User & Helper account whenever required but request you to Note that doing as such will erase every one of your information and data put away on Hireforcare Private Limited servers and Hireforcare Private Limited will bear no duty regarding such loss of information or data. All Service expenses brought about before de-enrollment will be expected and owing, until realization of all required funds due from your end. 


  1. Termination by Hireforcare Private Limited Hireforcare Private Limited claims all authority to end any User & Helper represent oppressive or fake action, for inability to consent to this Agreement, or for some other reason in its sole authority. 
  • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate Services to the User, including the right to remove/block the Content(s) posted/uploaded by the User, in the event, the content(s) violates any rules or guidelines of www.hireforcare.com.We also reserve the right to delete your account and all of your information after a significant duration of inactivity.
  • You understand and acknowledge that you have no ownership rights in your account and that if you cancel your www.hireforcare.com account or your www.hireforcare.com account is terminated, all your account information from, including information, profiles, cover letters, saved jobs, questionnaires will be marked as deleted in and may be deleted from the databases and will be removed from any public area of the Website. Information may continue to be available for some period of time because of delays in deletion through the web servers. In addition, third parties may retain saved copies of your information.




    1. Service Fees. Regarding paid Services, User & Helper will be charged the expenses put forward in the applicable segment on the Hireforcare Private Limited   [www.hireforcare.com] situated at {www.hireforcare.com} as generally offered on the [www.hireforcare.com] for a specific membership plan (the "Expenses"). The taxes if not specifically mentioned at the time of subscription by the User & Helper the prevailing tax rates and any increase in tax rates will be borne by the registered User & Helper.



  1. Payment Obligation. Hireforcare private limited won't be accountable if any amount paid to Helper. The service fee has to be paid to Hireforcare private limited and under no circumstances the amount paid to the Helper will be adjusted with the service fee. If reimbursement is not made within 7 days of the overdue date, a legal complaint will be filed and the issue will be settled in Mumbai district court.


  1. Promotional Giveaways. Occasionally we may offer limited time giveaways of the Services, subject to the particular conditions that we will declare at the season of any such special giveaway. Clients will bear sole duty regarding all pay charge outcomes that may result from their availing of any such giveaway. Further as required by appropriate laws, User & Helpers consent to submit to us properly finished tax documents, to empower us to make every single required recording with expense specialists. 



  1. Refund policy. We give paid Services based on the prepaid amount. Clients may cease their utilization of any Services whenever as per directions posted on [www.hireforcare.com]. The date and time of any cancelation of paid Services will be the date and time on which the User & Helper finishes the full cancelation process. The Fees for the Services might be refundable in entire or nothing will be refunded as put forward in this: {www.hireforcare.com}


  • Hireforcare Private Limited will bill the invoices from the 1st of every month and within 2 days of due time the invoice amount should be cleared, If not the services will be stalled, beyond this no refund request will be entertained. 
  • If a user/customer is opting for a refund due to following reasons, helper misconduct, bad service, and other unavoidable circumstances, the refund will be processed within 2-3 working days. 
  • In the process of refund, an apportioned amount is deducted from the advance paid amount by the user/customer. Incase no amount is paid in advance, then Hireforcare will have right to bill any amount that is aligning with Hireforcare service charges and user/customer has to clear the billed amount within 2 working days.
  • Incase if user/customer is not comfortable with the helper or under any circumstance he/she wants to discontinue with Hireforcare services then he/she shall bound to inform Hireforcare prior to 14 days or additional amount to be paid with respect to subscribed service timeline and discontinue the service from Hireforcare. { Ex: If you have opted for 30 days service, then you will have to inform us prior 14 days of service expiry to discontinue the service or you will have to bear subsequent 14 days service charge and discontinue}





Intellectual Property and Trademarks: The [www.hireforcare.com] and all of its original content are the exclusive property of Hireforcare Private Limited   and are, as such, fully protected by the appropriate copyright and other intellectual property rights laws.

The database of employees displayed on the Website has been collated by us after investing efforts, time and funds for carrying out search, promotional activities, etc. and as such the database displayed on the Website is sole property of www.hireforcare.com.

You shall not use any of the Hireforcare content on any other platform or any media. Unless explicitly stated herein, nothing in these terms shall be construed as conferring any license of intellectual property rights to the user.

We may review, edit, reject, refuse to post and/or delete any Content that in our sole judgment violates these Terms of Use or which might be offensive, illegal, or that might violate the rights, or threaten the safety of another person. We also reserve rights with respect to placement of your data on the website.







  1. Termination Right. Any of the parties to the agreement at its sole discretion may terminate the agreement by giving 15 days prior notice to the other party.


  1. Effect of Termination. Post termination of this Agreement, all privileges of the User & Helper as for the utilization of [www.hireforcare.com] or Services will end immediately.


  1. The helper is entitled to terminate its association with the company by giving prior notice of 30 days to the company. The helper shall not work with/for the client or any person associated with/recommended by the client for a period of 3 months after leaving the association with the company. 


  1. The company is entitled to remove helpers at any time, without giving any reason and notice period.





  1. Disclaimer. we make no warranty and have limited liability that the services or the www.hireforcare.com

(a) We do not assure that www.hireforcare.com will always meet your requirements; 

(b) Will be always available continuously, perfect, secure, or error-free basis;

(c) Will be consistent, dependable, and free of viruses or other harmful code, complete, legal, or safe. We further make no warranties or representations regarding the perfection or completeness of the content on any sites linked to on the Your Website Here.


  1. Limitation of Liability. In no situation Hireforcare Private Limited or any of its officers, executives, representatives, or operators, be liable to you or to any outsider for any immediate, accidental, extraordinary, damages from this agreement or, through utilization of the Services of the www.hireforcare.com.


  1. Third Party Products and Services. Hireforcare Private Limited does not warrant, underwrite, ensure, or accept accountability for any item or administration promoted or offered by an outsider through the www.hireforcare.com or any hyperlinked site or included in any standard or other publicizing.



  1. Other Jurisdictions. We take no responsibility that the Services or the www.hireforcare.com are proper or accessible for use in all areas. The individuals who access or utilize the Services or the www.hireforcare.com from various areas are required to comply with the local laws of that particular area.





You consent to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Hireforcare Private Limited   and its officers, executives, workers and specialists, from and against all cases, harms, commitments, misfortunes, liabilities, expenses or obligation, and costs (counting however not restricted to lawyer's charges) emerging from: (a) your utilization of and access to the Services and the [www.hireforcare.com]; (b) your infringement of any term of this Agreement; or (c) your infringement of any outsider right, including without constraint any copyright, property, or security right. This safeguard and repayment commitment will endure the end of this Agreement and your utilization of the Services and the [www.hireforcare.com].




Fares, re-fares, and exchanges of Hireforcare Private Limited items and administrations, including innovation, programming, programming source code, specialized information, related innovation, and the immediate items thereof, including the [www.hireforcare.com] content and the Services are subject to Indian import and export laws.




  1. Assignment. This Agreement, any part thereof or any rights or commitments under it may not be novated, transferred, redistributed or exchanged by you without our development composed assent. Any task or move infringing upon the previously mentioned arrangements will be considered invalid and void.


  1. Force Majeure. We will not be held responsible for delay in execution under circumstances out of control including but not limited to communications failure, governmental action, war, acts of terrorism, fire, flood, storms, earthquake or any other related activity out of normal situation known as act of God, labor conditions, power failures, and Internet disturbances.


  1. Applicable Governing Law and Jurisdiction. Any debate, contention or guarantee emerging out of or regarding this Agreement, or the breach, end or deficiency thereof, will be at long last settled by mediation as per the Arbitration Rules pertinent in India.


  1. Electronic Notices. You consent to get communication from us in an electronic format. Electronic notification will be conveyed to your email address, which you utilized for enrollment purposes, going forward it may be changed by you by composed notice to us. All correspondences in the electronic organization will be viewed as "recorded as a hard copy" and to have been received on the day that we send them. We hold the right, yet accept no commitment, to give communication in any other mode.


  1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Privacy Policy, will comprise the association among you and Hireforcare Private Limited   concerning your utilization of the Your Website Here and the Services. However, utilization of other products and services will have additional specific terms and conditions pertaining to specific products and services availed.


  1. Languages. This Agreement is in the English language and translation of the same in any other language will create ambiguity. All further communication from our end will be made in English language only and we take no responsibility for the agreement translated in other languages and we request the User & Helpers to have all correspondences with us in English.


  1. No Waiver. The rights of the parties to the agreement will not be waived unless there is written consent by both the parties entered into the agreement.


  1. Severability. Every one of the arrangements of this Agreement are particular and severable. In the event that any arrangement of this Agreement (or part of any arrangement) is found by any court or other expert to be invalid, unenforceable or unlawful, this will not debilitate the activity of this Agreement or influence alternate arrangements which are legal.


  1. Workplace Harassment. Our anti-harassment policy expresses our commitment to maintaining a workplace that’s free of harassment, so our employees can feel safe and happy. We will not tolerate anyone intimidating, humiliating, or sabotaging others during work. We also prohibit willful discrimination based on [age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, religion, or disability.]. This workplace harassment policy applies to all hireforcare employees, clients, helpers, public visitors, customers, and anyone else whom employees come into contact with at work. 


Harassment includes bullying, intimidation, direct insults, malicious gossip, and victimization. We can’t create an exhaustive list, but here are some instances that we consider harassment:


  • Sabotaging someone’s work on purpose.
  • Engaging in frequent or unwanted advances of any nature.
  • Commenting derogatorily on a person’s ethnic heritage or religious beliefs.
  • Starting or spreading rumors about a person’s personal life.
  • Ridiculing someone in front of others or singling them out to perform tasks unrelated to their job (e.g. bringing coffee) against their will.


  1. Sexual harassment is illegal and we will seriously investigate relevant reports. If an employee or client is found guilty of sexual harassment, they will be terminated & prosecuted under Indian laws. 


Our sexual harassment policy aims to protect men and women in our company from unwanted sexual advances and give them guidelines to report incidents. We won’t tolerate sexual harassment in our workplace in any shape or form. Our culture is based on mutual respect and collaboration. Sexual harassment is a serious violation of those principles.


1a. Sexual harassment has many forms of variable seriousness. A person sexually harasses someone when they:


  • Insinuate, propose or demand sexual favors of any kind.
  • Invade another person’s personal space (e.g. inappropriate touching.)
  • Stalk, intimidate, coerce or threaten another person to get them to engage in sexual acts.
  • Send or display sexually explicit objects or messages.
  • Comment on someone’s looks, dress, sexuality, or gender in a derogatory or objectifying manner or a manner that makes them uncomfortable.
  • Make obscene comments, jokes, or gestures that humiliate or offend someone.
  • Pursue or flirt with another person persistently without the other person’s willing participation. Also, flirting with someone at an inappropriate time (e.g. in a team meeting) is considered sexual harassment, even when these advances would have been welcome in a different setting. This is because such actions can harm a person’s professional reputation and expose them to further harassment.
  • The most extreme form of sexual harassment is sexual assault. This is a serious crime and our company will support a victim who wants to press charges against offenders.





Usage of services is also governed by the privacy policy available at {www.hireforcare.com}



11. Payment Policy


  1. Only Direct Payment to Hireforcare: You don't have to pay to the caregiver in cash or cheque unless asked by the Hireforcare Customer Service team. You will be paying Hireforcare directly Online/App or request for a cash/cheque pickup.
  2. Payment Mode: App, Online, NEFT, Cheque and Cash payments are accepted. Hireforcare promotes and prefers online payment in advance which enables us to pay our caregivers in time without hassle. For Cash/Cheque pickup amount should be more than Rs. 2000/- any amount below it should be paid via online.
  3. Change in Fees. We may change the existing Fees or make new additions to the existing fees upon thirty (30) days' earlier composed notice to the User & Helper. Despite the previous, we may expand the Fees, quickly and with parallel notice, in case of (an) any adjustment in the administrations or expenses of our outsider specialist co-ops; (b) changes in the Services which are made at your demand; or (c) delays and additionally different issues because of User & Helper inability to satisfy User & Helper commitments or because of User & Helper ask for to defer work under any circumstances. 


The best way to connect with us.

If you have any questions or clarifications required or you have any inquiries concerning our way to deal with security or you might want to practice any of the rights referenced in this Privacy policy you can contact our Data Protection Officer in any of the accompanying ways.


Address: {A1/804, Ashok Towers, Military Road, Marol, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400059}

Telephone: {7688860000}

Email: {info@hireforcare.com} 


The laws of India govern these terms and conditions and the courts of Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction. We accept no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than that of India. A mere fact that you are in a country other than India access the Service does not imply that the laws of that country govern these terms and conditions or the use of the Service.



By submitting our webform, you agree to receive promotional calls on the number shared, and such calls and SMS would be coming from a third party platform.
